
What Coffee do I like? McDonald’s coffee.

Long, long ago when I was shedding my puppy fur, I was looking for something to wake me up before I went to work. I discovered Coffee! I tried many different places and types. McDonald’s was one of those adventures. Not good! Thin and metal tasting. Didn’t need to do that again.

Fast forward to the 2000’s, I notice that Micki D has the pump coffee on the condiment table. I order my egg-sausage McMuffin and a large coffee. Whoa! Best coffee I have ever found. Hooked ever since.

That was the best thing McDonald’s could have ever done to increase their numbers.

One day, I’m at WalMart. There it is, McAffee on the shelf. I could hardly wait for the next morning coffee. I have been brewing that ever since in my Mr. Coffee maker.

On another fine day, I’m reading, from some computer device, and the suggestion was to add 1/4 tsp of baking soda to the top of the grounds in my carafe. It takes the bitter out.

Presently, I’m adding this post as my six am coffee is brewing. I’m looking forward to my morning coffee. Cheers!

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