16th and 17th amendment. the 16th amendment (which legitimatized the federal income tax), and the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which created the national central bank that exists today. The goal was to Grab power by the federal government to seize power of the financial instituions in America. In 1971 President Nixon put into play a major… Continue reading Just How Bad Was 1913 for America?
Category: Articles
The Real Numbers
I always wonder what the real numbers of employment are. Most of the media that the average person is exposed too, reports current numbers of 3 to 4% unemployment. I believe the average person that sees this is smart enough to realize there is something wrong with these low percentages. A gut feeling as it… Continue reading The Real Numbers
Have You Been DeBanked Yet?
National Committee for Religious Freedom was “DeBanked” by Chase bank. See this page for more info.
Tractor Tire Slant
Here is one of those things that if you did not experience it, you would just not know. Why are tractor tires installed with the tread pointed forward at the top and the manure spreaders that they used to pull, back in the day, were mechanically driven from the axle with tractor tires pointed in… Continue reading Tractor Tire Slant
What Coffee do I like? McDonald’s coffee. Long, long ago when I was shedding my puppy fur, I was looking for something to wake me up before I went to work. I discovered Coffee! I tried many different places and types. McDonald’s was one of those adventures. Not good! Thin and metal tasting. Didn’t need… Continue reading Coffee
To Catch a Wild Pig
A Parable About Society That Offers Valuable Lessons for Leaders A chemistry professor at a large college had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor… Continue reading To Catch a Wild Pig