Daves Favored Links

My Favorite Links

When I say, “I trust”, this is not a blanket 100% trust on my part. I implore that everyone does their own homework. Verify the information. “I trust” means only that the track record of my dealings with these resources have brought me to trust the information offered by them. Still, as Ronald Reagan would say, “Trust but verify.”

Conservapedia. An information lookup that I trust.

Calculate Anything?

Critical Race Training in Education

Dan Smoot YouTube Lookup

Milton Friedman Videos Economic advisor to Ronald Reagan.

My favorite news feed. TheBlaze

Election Integrity Network and Who’s Counting?

Full set of all flag resources.

Founding Documents (thefederalistpapers.org)

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

Founders Online: Home (archives.gov)

Legal Insurrection

Learn about Liberty. Website of videos about Liberty.

Learn Liberty YouTube Channel.

MercuryOne.org. Mercury One is committed to taking action through humanitarian aid and educational initiatives

Milton Freidman Works, (miltonfriedman.hoover.org/collections)

National Weather Service.

Open the Books. Government expenders exposed.

Prager University 5 min Videos.

The-Complete-Federalist-Papers-C.psd (thefederalistpapers.org)

The Daily Wire Conservative Talk Show Network.

The Heartland Institute

The Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity – LISEP

Tuttle Twins – YouTube.

WallBuilders.com. WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.

WTPS: We The People S T A N D . O R G