Politician vs Statesman

[ pol-i-tishuhn ]


  1. A person who is active in party politics.
  2. A seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.
  3. A person who holds a political office.
  4. A person skilled in political government or administration.
  5. An expert in politics or political government.
  6. A person who seeks to gain power or advancement within an organization in ways that are generally disapproved.

You will notice in the above definition, a politician is mostly in it for their own gain.


steyts-muhn ]

noun, plural states·men.

  1. A person who is experienced in the art of government or versed in the administration of government affairs.
  2. A person who exhibits great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues.

What is not stated here is that as a rule, a Statesman represents the people’s wishes. We defiantly need more of this in our representative government.

A good example of a statesman would be George Washington, one of the founders of our Constitution of the United States. President Washington refused to be “King” of America but would rather get back to being a productive citizen of the new nation.

Remember, “Human Nature”. There needs to be checks and balances throughout the process, and most imiportant, we need statesmen with a strong moral compass.

It should be noted, that the Constitution of the United States was designed specifically to control “Human Nature” at the highest government level. This is why it never goes out of date.

“Human Nature never changes from time to time, or place to place”.

I am adding this to update the site

Categorized as Concept

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