File Name System

Preface: I have been involved in computers ever since the very first “Personal Computer” was introduced by IBM to the average Joe market. DOS version: 1.0. Yep… that’s right, DOS One point Zero. File names in DOS 1.0 was a challenge at best. You had only eight characters to accomplish some intelligible but still cryptic… Continue reading File Name System

Categorized as Concept

The Google Shift

It is well to note that when you search for something in Google search, The results are shown by internal programming (What is known as an algorithm). Once you click a link, the info vanishes. Never to be seen again. This is known as “ephemeral results”. From the Dictionary: ephemeral [əˈfem(ə)rəl] ADJECTIVE: lasting for a… Continue reading The Google Shift

Liberal Talk Host: The Great Reset

Kim Iversen, a self-described liberal, host of The Kim Iversen Show, and contributor for The Hill, joins Glenn to explain why this plan to transform capitalism as we know it should worry us all. Glenn and Kim discuss what The Great Reset is and how YOU can help stop it…

Categorized as Video

History of the Screw

Have you ever wondered about the history of the screw? You didn’t?…. Well, I have. Here is a fantastic video by Stumpy Nubs, a favorite source of mine about wood working. Enjoy! Here is the video that would follow the above info. Nails.

Where Are You?

You’re standing on the surface of the earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you? Thinking outside the box yet?

Categorized as Concept


What Coffee do I like? McDonald’s coffee. Long, long ago when I was shedding my puppy fur, I was looking for something to wake me up before I went to work. I discovered Coffee! I tried many different places and types. McDonald’s was one of those adventures. Not good! Thin and metal tasting. Didn’t need… Continue reading Coffee

Categorized as Articles

Product Pricing – Holy Grail

I have been searching for “How do I charge for my custom work?”. I came across a YouTube video that describes what I’ve been looking for … for ever! This video explains it very simply: Other Videos to watch Want something a little more complicated that might include beer?:How to price your work! P=((Mx1.5) +… Continue reading Product Pricing – Holy Grail

Mentor – Teacher – Coach

As the title suggests above, one needs to know the difference between a mentor, a teacher and a coach. This is a good short video on the concepts.