Many people are being “DeBanked”, sometimes for no reason at all by the bank. Usually, though, it is for “power of the elite” reasons. Watch the video below… pretty amazing. Got my attention. Click below to be informed when they open for business. If there is any way I can participate, I will transfer… Continue reading

The Real Numbers

I always wonder what the real numbers of employment are. Most of the media that the average person is exposed too, reports current numbers of 3 to 4% unemployment. I believe the average person that sees this is smart enough to realize there is something wrong with these low percentages. A gut feeling as it… Continue reading The Real Numbers

Quick History of R vs D

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party Republican party: Watch video here. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party Watch the video here. Below is a quick synopsis: “Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every civil rights initiative and has a long history of discrimination. The Demacratic Party: Defended Slavery… Continue reading Quick History of R vs D