Social Security History

Who mangled the Social Security program? Why does the government make it sound like they are giving you money? You put the money in. it’s your money in the first place. Good info to study. Remember, do your own homework, but this video below gives a lot to work with. I just happen to be… Continue reading Social Security History

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The Roger Honest Videos

Here is a Rabbit Hole you might like. The Roger Videos. I started off with this one: …. Down the rabbit hole …. fun.

Quick History of R vs D

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party Republican party: Watch video here. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party Watch the video here. Below is a quick synopsis: “Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every civil rights initiative and has a long history of discrimination. The Demacratic Party: Defended Slavery… Continue reading Quick History of R vs D

Socialism Never Works

Here are several views why Socialism Never Works in one video. Here is a snipit from the above video. Listen to Gloria Alverez of what happens with a socialized country.

Forms of Government

This is one of the best videos I have found that describes the 5 forms of government in the shortest form. Watch.