Inflation Nation

One of Glenn Becks recent Chalkboard talks explains current inflation clearly, and rather dramatically. Also watch Milton Friedman Inflation Video here. Glenn used a term “FOIA’d”. FOIA is Fredom of Informaiton Act. Sidenote: Glen beck bought the studio that Braveheart was filmed in.

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Inflation Explained

Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) Recorded at University of San Diego & San Diego Chamber of Commerce ©1978 / 1:26:03. I would submit that there is a lot of confusion of what inflation is. What or who causes it. What forces really don’t want you to know how it works to… Continue reading Inflation Explained

Liberal Talk Host: The Great Reset

Kim Iversen, a self-described liberal, host of The Kim Iversen Show, and contributor for The Hill, joins Glenn to explain why this plan to transform capitalism as we know it should worry us all. Glenn and Kim discuss what The Great Reset is and how YOU can help stop it…

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History of the Screw

Have you ever wondered about the history of the screw? You didn’t?…. Well, I have. Here is a fantastic video by Stumpy Nubs, a favorite source of mine about wood working. Enjoy! Here is the video that would follow the above info. Nails.

Product Pricing – Holy Grail

I have been searching for “How do I charge for my custom work?”. I came across a YouTube video that describes what I’ve been looking for … for ever! This video explains it very simply: Other Videos to watch Want something a little more complicated that might include beer?:How to price your work! P=((Mx1.5) +… Continue reading Product Pricing – Holy Grail

Mentor – Teacher – Coach

As the title suggests above, one needs to know the difference between a mentor, a teacher and a coach. This is a good short video on the concepts.