97% of Scientist Say:

When it comes down to it, what are they “NOT” telling you. Facts by omission will change the whole conversation. 97% of What? Check it out!

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Quick Highlights:

Note: You must click on the topics or post to read and access the links embedded in each post. Check out one of my favorite activities, WoodWorking and Carving Wood with a computer. (Known as: ‘CNC’. Computer Numeric Control.) Books, most of which I have read. Some that I have, but not yet read, sitting… Continue reading Quick Highlights:

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ESG, Environmental, Social, and Governance scoring system, is a real threat to individual freedoms as we know it here in the USA and around the world. The trick is to learn the real intent in the ESG program. There is a lot of hype as to what it is… propaganda as it were (is), That… Continue reading ESG


Many people are being “DeBanked”, sometimes for no reason at all by the bank. Usually, though, it is for “power of the elite” reasons. Watch the video below… pretty amazing. Got my attention. Click below to be informed when they open for business. ProLifeBank.com If there is any way I can participate, I will transfer… Continue reading ProLifeBank.com

Loneliness is Intentional


Politician vs Statesman

[ pol-i-tish–uhn ] noun: You will notice in the above definition, a politician is mostly in it for their own gain. Statesman [ steyts-muhn ] noun, plural states·men. What is not stated here is that as a rule, a Statesman represents the people’s wishes. We defiantly need more of this in our representative government. A good example of… Continue reading Politician vs Statesman

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