CO2 Conversion Machine

I love this: “Why can’t we collect CO2 from the atmosphere, break it down in a lab and just release the O2 back in order to slow climate change?” “We can, here is a picture of the machine we would use for that job: This machine is built from self-organising nanomachines, can self-repair and self-replicate,… Continue reading CO2 Conversion Machine

Categorized as Thoughts

Quick History of R vs D

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party Republican party: Watch video here. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party Watch the video here. Below is a quick synopsis: “Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every civil rights initiative and has a long history of discrimination. The Demacratic Party: Defended Slavery… Continue reading Quick History of R vs D

Socialism Never Works

Here are several views why Socialism Never Works in one video. Here is a snipit from the above video. Listen to Gloria Alverez of what happens with a socialized country.


I copied from Conservapedia and pasted to this post the definition of: Progressivism: Theodore Roosevelt, first progressive president Progressivism (or Progressive Ideology) is a narrow ideology born in America that puts a heavy emphasis on administrative state, separated from the political process, engages in centralized economic planning, promotes Social Control, and has the power and expertise to make quick… Continue reading Progressives

Fact Checking

Fact checking has been hijacked by the Progressives. Fact checking has been strongly overtaken by opinion of the Progressive left. As a result of a recent suit against Facebook, they as much admitted that their fact checking was opinioned to weasel out of their predicament. Many resources that we all thought was fact, is in… Continue reading Fact Checking

Forms of Government

This is one of the best videos I have found that describes the 5 forms of government in the shortest form. Watch.

Inflation Nation

One of Glenn Becks recent Chalkboard talks explains current inflation clearly, and rather dramatically. Also watch Milton Friedman Inflation Video here. Glenn used a term “FOIA’d”. FOIA is Fredom of Informaiton Act. Sidenote: Glen beck bought the studio that Braveheart was filmed in.

Categorized as Video

Human Nature Never Changes

This is a basic premise: “Human Nature never changes from Time-to-Time or Place-to-Place.” This statement-concept is important to understand because it very well explains a lot of things that are going on in our society today. I bring this up because our society has a basic belief that human nature does change, which then cancels,… Continue reading Human Nature Never Changes

Categorized as Concept

Inflation Explained

Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) Recorded at University of San Diego & San Diego Chamber of Commerce ©1978 / 1:26:03. I would submit that there is a lot of confusion of what inflation is. What or who causes it. What forces really don’t want you to know how it works to… Continue reading Inflation Explained